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Members of the NGO Working Group on the Security Council

Membership as of October 2024


Victoria Alexander
Advocacy Associate
Mennonite Central Committee

Joseph Anthony
Senior Humanitarian Advocacy Adviser
Save the Children

Kaavya Asoka
Executive Director
NGO Working Group on Women, Peace and Security

Jutta F. Bertram-Nothnagel
Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy

Christen Broecker
Deputy Director
Jacob Blaustein Institute for the Advancement of Human Rights

Dhabie Brown
Senior Policy and Advocacy Adviser
Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) USA

Michelle Brown
Associate Director of Advocacy
Action Against Hunger (ACF)

Rudelmar Bueno de Faria
General Secretary
ACT Alliance

Joyce Bukuru
Senior Advocate
Amnesty International

Louis Charbonneau
UN Director
Human Rights Watch

Hannah Clager
Advocacy and Campaigns Manager, UN Office
Crisis Action

Sarah Clarke
Director and UN Representative
Quaker UN Office

Kavita Desai
Quaker UN Representative
Quaker UN Office

Mohamed Djingo
Policy and Advocacy Advisor, Peace and Security
Plan International

Bani Dugal
Principal Representative
Bahá'í International Community to the UN

Tatiana Dwyer
Executive for Global Justice
The United Methodist Church, Women's Division 

Bethany Ellis
Global Advocacy Advisor
Watchlist on Children and Armed Conflict

Dr. Mohamed Elsanousi
Executive Director
The Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers

Alina Entelis
Deputy Managing Editor
Security Council Report

Marya Farah
UN New York Representative
Franciscans International

Alexis Fessatidis
Program Officer
NGO Working Group on Women, Peace and Security

Brianna Fitzpatrick
UN Liaison
Caritas Internationalis

Widad Franco
UN Advocacy Officer
Human Rights Watch

Felice Gaer
Jacob Blaustein Institute for the Advancement of Human Rights

Melissa Garcia
UN Policy and Advocacy Adviser
CARE International

Meg Gardinier
Secretary General
ChildFund Alliance

Felicity Gray
Global Head of Policy and Advocacy
Nonviolent Peaceforce

Daryl Grisgraber
Humanitarian Policy Lead
Oxfam International

Douglas Hostetter 
Member of the UN-NGO Delegation
Pax Christi International

Lindsey Hutchison
Global Head of Humanitarian Policy, Advocacy, Influencing and Campaigns
Plan International

Josh Jorgensen
UN and Peacekeeping Advisor
Center for Civilians in Conflict

Alison Kelly
Sustainable Development and UN Representative
ACT Alliance

Bruce Knotts
NGO Committee on Disarmament, Peace & Security

Rayan Koteiche
Humanitarian Affairs Advisor
Médecins Sans Frontières

Alex Kotowski
Humanitarian Advocacy Advisor
Save the Children

Nick Leddy
Head of Litigation
Legal Action Worldwide

Volker Lehmann
Senior Policy Analyst

Wendy MacClinchy
Director of the UN Program
Center for Civilians in Conflict

Christine Mangale
Director and Main UN Representative
Lutheran Office for World Community, ELCA

Eileen McCarthy
UN Representative
CARE International

Brenda Mofya
Head of Office, New York
Oxfam International

Laya Mosto
Advocacy and Policy Officer
Watchlist on Children and Armed Conflict

Tara Newell
Representative to the UN
Médecins Sans Frontières

Faith Nimineh
Senior Advisor, Humanitarian Affairs
ChildFund Alliance

Liliane Nkunzimana
Representative to the UN
Bahá'í International Community to the UN

Juliette Paauwe
Senior Research and Advocacy Officer
Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect

Daniel Pieper
Program Director
Lutheran Office for World Community, ELCA

Renzo Pomi
Representative to the UN
Amnesty International

Guy Quinlan
Board Member
NGO Committee on Disarmament, Peace & Security

Sue Rheem
Representative to the UN
Presbyterian Church, USA

Chris Rice
Director, UN Office
Mennonite Central Committee

Jessica Roland
Senior Specialist for Inclusive Peace
The Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers

Gay Rosenblum-Kumar
Senior Advisor for Advocacy and Outreach
Nonviolent Peaceforce

Brittany Roser
UN Advocacy Advisor

Ryan Smith
Programme Executive of New York Office and Representative to the UN
World Council of Churches

Gareth Sweeney
UN Director
Crisis Action

Paloma Van Groll
Litigation Officer
Legal Action Worldwide

Dr. Deepshikha Kumari Vijh
Executive Director
Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy

David Wildman
Main Representative to the UN
Area Liaison, Middle East
The United Methodist Church

Mary Yelenick
Main Representative of the UN-NGO Delegation
Pax Christi International

Pending Member Nomination

World Federalist Movement/Institute for Global Policy